

ENEOS Xplora's assets in the Gulf of Mexico in USA range from those in continental shelf locations (less than 200 meters in depth) to deep water areas (more than 200 meters in depth) as well as onshore developments in Texas. In 2014 we launched the CO2-EOR (Enhanced Oil Recovery) project. The project involves the capture of CO2 in the flue gas from a coal-fired power plant in Texas, and the injection of the CO2 into an oil field to boost production.

Petra Nova CCUS Project

A cutting-edge project that increases oil production while helping combat global warming

This epoch-making project will be able to vitalize legacy oil fields and to produce a significant amount of oil, while reducing the footprint to the global environment at the same time.
The carbon capture system of this project is the world's largest post-combustion carbon capture facility on an existing coal plant.

Project Summary

Petra Nova CCUS ProjectProduction

Project Company ENEOS Xplora EOR Limited / ENEOS Xplora CCS Limited
(Holding Percentages)
ENEOS Xplora Inc. (100%)
Interest 100%*2
Implementing Body Petra Nova Parish Holdings LLC*2
  1. 1Japan Bank for International Cooperation holds 100% of preferred stocks issued by ENEOS Xplora EOR Limited and ENEOS Xplora holds 100% of common shares issued by ENEOS Xplora EOR Limited.
  2. 2ENEOS Xplora EOR Limited and ENEOS Xplora CCS Limited each own 50% interest in Petra Nova Parish Holdings LLC, the operating entity. Petra Nova Parish Holdings LLC owns 50% interest in the West Ranch Oil Field through its subsidiaries (ENEOS Xplora EOR Limited and ENEOS Xplora CCS Limited each indirectly own 25% interest).

Project History

February 2017 Started oil production at West Ranch oil field by CO2-EOR
December 2016 Completed the carbon capture system
July 2014 Participated in Petra Nova CCUS Project

Gulf of Mexico Onshore and Offshore Assets

US Gulf of Mexico: Small-Scale Commercialization

As a result of extensive exploration and development since the 1940s, many oil and gas discoveries have been made in the Gulf of Mexico. The infrastructure for processing and transporting produced oil and gas is therefore in place and readily available, along with a comprehensive and stable legal system. Taking advantage of these conditions, even oil and gas fields with relatively marginal reserves can be commercially developed in the area.

Long-Term Operations

For many years, we have done business in the Gulf of Mexico in USA, ranging from continental shelf locations (less than 200 meters in depth) to deep water areas (more than 200 meters in depth), as well as in onshore developments in Texas.

Project Summary

Gulf of Mexico Onshore and Offshore AssetsProduction

Project Company ENEOS Xplora USA Limited
Shareholders (Holding Percentages) ENEOS Holdings USA Inc.
Interest 13.4%-50.0%
Partners Occidental Petroleum*
Hilcorp Energy Company*
  • Operator in one or more fields

Gulf of Mexico Onshore and Offshore Assets Project History

2007 Acquired 11.6% interest in the K2 oil field from Anadarko
Since 1990 Exploration and production in offshore blocks in the Gulf of Mexico and onshore in Texas