HSE (Health, Safety, and Environment)
Our principle of HSE
HSE is an acronym for "Health, Safety, and Environment." With consideration for HSE (Health, Safety, Environment) as our foremost priority, we commit ourselves to making corporation-wide efforts to ensure the following: the safety and good health of all employees and contractors involved in our oil and gas exploration and production activities as well as all local residents near our facilities, the prevention of accidents and injuries at work, and the reduction of burden on the environment.
We spell out a basic policy that covers health, safety, and the environment. Moreover, we specify in writing the clear course of action to be taken in implementing the policy as well as associated responsibilities, from the President on down, and share them throughout the company.
We continually strive to improve our HSE performance by applying the PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, and Act) cycle based on an HSE management system that conforms to relevant international standards.
The oil and natural gas development business entails risks at each step: exploration, development, and production, and well abandonment. We always endeavor to implement the most appropriate forms of risk management to ensure safer working environments and business operations.
In accordance with our basic "HSE Policy" and the "ENEOS Group Environmental Policy," we comply with environment-related laws throughout our business operations and are making an all-out effort to engage in environmental conservation. The CO2-EOR* Project in the United States is a practical example of our drive against global warming.
- CO2-EOR (Enhanced Oil Recovery) project: A technology project that helps increase the oil recovery rate and reduce CO2 emissions by injecting CO2 into depleted oil fields.