Contribution Overseas


We are engaged in social outreach activities in Malaysia, where we promote our business as an operator, taking into account of the ethnic and religious diversity of the region. We also support youth exchanges between Japan and Malaysia as well as cultural and sport events in local communities.

Miri City Community Events

ENEOS Xplora is proud to be a sponsor for two major events in the Sarawak region: the Borneo Jazz Festival and the Sarawak Regatta boat race. Our support for these events helps to promote culture and sport in the community.

The Sarawak Regatta

Activities with attention to the diversity of local communities

Malaysia is rich in ethnic and religious diversity. In light of this, we promote volunteer work by local employees and other initiatives that support the socially vulnerable.

Supporting the activities of a Muslim welfare association by comforting economically disadvantaged families during Ramadan
Supporting the activities of a Muslim welfare association by comforting economically disadvantaged families during Ramadan
Presenting Christmas gifts to hospitalized children during a visit to Miri General Hospital

Cooperation with an internship program of Seijo University

In August 2018, we accepted two interns from Seijo University with a view to supporting the next generation. During their one-week internship, we provided them with courses on oil development and LNG businesses in partnership with ENEOS. We also scheduled a visit to "Petrosains," a science museum run by PETRONAS, Malaysia's national oil company. The interns learned a lot about various values and working attitude through interaction with our Malaysian staff. They expressed their appreciation for having an opportunity to experience diverse values and get invaluable insights.

The two interns (the third and forth person from the right are Seijo University students)
A course led by the assistant project manager of ENEOS's Kuala Lumpur Office (left)

Commemorating the 30th anniversary of our oil development business in Malaysia

The year 2017 was the 30th anniversary of the signing of a production sharing contract for Block SK-10 in Sarawak with the Malaysian state-owned oil company PETRONAS and its subsidiary Petronas Charigali in 1987.
As part of an event to commemorate this, we donated water supply facilities to Long Lenei National School in the outskirts of Miri and a dialysis machine to the Malaysian Red Crescent Miri Kidney Dialysis Center.

Donation of water supply facilities to an elementary school on the outskirts of Miri
Donation of a kidney dialysis machine to a hospital in Miri