HSE (Health, Safety, and Environment)

Our involvement toward Environment

The Promotion of Environmental Conservation

In accordance with our "Health, Safety, and Environmental Policy" and ENEOS Group Code of Conduct (3. Environmental conservation), we adhere to legislation concerning the environment, and promote environmental conservation through various business activities.

Adherence to Environmental Laws and Regulations and Disclosure of Environmental Information

We endeavor to adhere to environmental laws, regulations, ordinances, and so forth, and proactively disclose environmental information concerning our oil and natural gas exploration and production business by publishing it in our ESG Data Book.

Environmental Data

Energy Consumption (crude oil equivalent)

  Unit FY2017 FY2018 FY2019
Energy Consumption (crude oil equivalent) 10,000 kl 16.0 16.3 17.3
Fuel consumption (crude oil equivalent) 10,000 kl 15.8 16.0 17.0
Electricity consumption Million kWh 10.7 10.5 11.5

Nakajo Field Office (Current: Nakajo Office) receives Forest Conservation Project Awards

In 2019, Nakajo Field Office's (Current: Nakajo Office's) "JX Nakajo Forest (Current: ENEOS Xplora Nakajo Forest)" project, a volunteer forest conservation program that began in 2011, received an award from the "Niigata prefectural mountain control and forestry road association" in recognition of its contribution to forest conservation and an "Award for Excellence in the Activities to Support Infrastructure Maintenance" category of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries' "Third Infrastructure Maintenance Awards.*1"

  1. 1The "Infrastructure Maintenance Awards" is an awards program led by six government ministries that include the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. It recognizes outstanding initiatives and technical development pertaining to the maintenance of Japan's social capital (hereinafter "infrastructure maintenance") and presents them as best practices. By doing so, the program seeks to invigorate the maintenance industry by encouraging activities by business, organizations, researchers, and others associated with infrastructure maintenance in Japan and to promote the infrastructure maintenance concept.

The Environmental Management System of the Miri Office (Malaysia) Receives the "Sarawak Chief Minister's Environmental Awards' Gold Award"

A local staff member receiving an award certificate and a shield

In March 2017, the Miri Office's environmental management system was presented with the GOLD AWARD of the 7th Sarawak Chief Minister's Environmental Awards 2015/2016 (Large Enterprise Industries - Oil & Gas category) in recognition of its high standard within environmental conservation activities promoted by the Sarawak State Government of Malaysia. We will continue to stress environmental conservation activities in all countries where we conduct business, including Malaysia.

Climate Change Mitigation

Positioning the development of a low-carbon society as a priority management issue, the ENEOS Group and is striving to reduce its emissions of CO2, which is a greenhouse gas, to combat global warming. In line with this, we are promoting CCS/CCUS*2 technologies that can separate and capture CO2 that would ordinarily be released into the atmosphere and store it underground. Further, we are developing projects that utilize CO2-EOR technology, which makes use of the captured CO2 to increase crude oil production.

  1. 2The CCS stands for "carbon capture and storage" and CCUS stands for "carbon capture, utilization and storage." They refer to technologies that separate and capture emitted CO2 and return it to the ground for storage or use it to produce new products or energy.

Petra Nova CCUS Project

Since December 2016 we have been conducting a project that improves crude oil recovery rates and also immobilizes injected CO2 in the ground through a joint venture with NRG Energy Inc., a major electricity producer in the United States. The project constructed one of the world's largest plants for capturing CO2 from flue gas at the W.A. Parish Generating Station, a coal-fired power plant located southwest of Houston, Texas, U.S.A. The captured CO2 is piped through a 130-km pipeline to the West Ranch oil field, Texas, where it is injected into the ground.

This epoch-making project revitalizes legacy oil fields and produces a significant amount of oil while also reducing the station's footprint on the global environment. It is a particularly advanced undertaking in that it is oriented toward commercialization that makes use of the CO2 emitted from a coal-fired power station. It captured more than 3 million tons of CO2 after production began and increased oil field production from 300 barrels per day before injection to more than 5,000 barrels per day.

The CO2-EOR process
Project map
Carbon Capture System Site
  • Kansai Mitsubishi Carbon Dioxide Recovery Process : KM CDR Process™
  • Commercially applied since 1999.

Joint Studies for Future CCUS Projects

Continuing from the Petra Nova CCUS Project (U.S.A.), we are currently conducting the following joint studies aimed at realizing other CCUS projects to address global warming.

  • Together with the Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation (JOGMEC), we concluded a "memorandum for a joint study/joint business analysis" with PT Pertamina (Persero), Indonesia's national oil company, in October 2018. The memorandum focuses on all upstream undertakings, including the use of CO2-EOR technology. We are now proceeding with the joint study.
  • In March 2020, we entered into a joint study agreement with JOGMEC and PETRONAS, Malaysia's national oil company, concerning gas field development that makes use of CCS technology. We are now moving forward with this joint study.