Respect for Human Rights / Diversity & Inclusion

Human Rights Awareness

We promote human rights awareness as an important business company of the ENEOS Group. We ensure that human rights awareness is a line item on all personnel training programs, and provide lectures, e-learning coursework and information on TV programs on the subject of human rights. We also established basic policies for workplace harassment in 2013.

We will continue to review and update our internal policies in line with these important principles and remain committed to the active promotion and protection of human rights.

Diversity and Inclusion

We share the following top message regarding the promotion of Diversity and Inclusion within the company and are actively working on it.

~Promoting Diversity and Inclusion as one of our strengths~

ENEOS Group has positioned the promotion of Diversity and Inclusion as one of its key management strategies.
As a company that conducts business activities with a wide range of people in various parts of the world, Diversity and Inclusion for us is not something special, but rather something natural and indispensable, but in fact it is a challenge that is difficult to achieve without active awareness.
Our goal is that we achieve results by generating greater power from integrated diverse strengths of the diverse individuals who work for our company. This can be realized when each individual, regardless of THEIR circumstances, recognizes each other, makes the most of THEIR strengths, and develops and maximizes THEIR abilities. This is the Diversity and Inclusion that we aim for.
We will continue steadily and vigorously to promote Diversity and Inclusion as one of our strengths.

We will continue to promote initiatives that make Diversity and Inclusion our strength based on this strategy.

Advancement of women in the workplace

We are developing working environments that allow employees to balance their work and home/family life through various measures to promote diversity. Such measures include promoting women's participation.

As part of this, we established the "ENEOS Xplora Action Plan for Promoting Women's Participation" based on the Act on the Promotion of Female Participation and Career Advancement in the Workplace. We did this to promote women's participation and establish an environment in which all employees can display their abilities to the fullest.

We are implementing and improving personnel systems and workplace environments in line with this action plan so everyone can succeed, regardless of their sex.

ENEOS Xplora Inc.'s Action Plan for Promoting Women's Participation

Implementation period: April 1, 2021, to March 31, 2026


  1. 1.Maintain a 20% share of female workers among all hired workers
  2. 2.Promote awareness of diversity & inclusion within the company
  3. 3.Increase the number of hours of participation per female worker in training programs that contribute to career advancement by 20% compared to the previous plan period


  1. 1.Provide sufficient information to female job seekers in recruitment and advertising activities.
    • Disclose information on efforts to improve the working environment and career development at the company. (FY2021-2025)
    • Continue the recruitement and selection process based on ability and aptitude regardless of gender. (FY2021-2025)
  2. 2.Strengthen providing information within the company to promote awareness of diversity & inclusion.
    • Disseminate the concept of diversity and inclusion through e-mail, Human Resources internal bulletin boards, training, and etc. (FY2021-2025)
  3. 3.Increase training opportunities for those segments of employees who lack opportunities of training that lead to career advancement.
    • Provide training opportunities for employees who are on long-term leave due to family or household reasons, such as childcare leave, nursing care leave and career continuation support leave. (FY2021-2025)
    • Expand skill development opportunities for employees with routine works regardless of gender. (FY2021-2025)

Women's Participation in ENEOS Xplora

Share of female workers among new hires
  Total Regular employees Contract employees
FY2021 40.0% 40.0% -
FY2022 25.0% 28.0% 0.0%
FY2023 32.4% 32.4% -
Average overtime hours and paid leave utilization rate (all employees)
  Average overtime hours Paid leave utilization rate
FY2021 19.3 hours/month 72.6%
FY2022 18.5 hours/month 75.0%
FY2023 16.8 hours/month 83.0%
Gender pay gap (ratio of female employees' wage to male employees)
  Term All employees Full-time employees Part-time and fixed-term employees Explanation for the difference
FY2022 FY2022
(from April 1, 2022 to March 31, 2023)
74.2% 76.9% 11.3% (part-time and fixed-term employees)
Large pay gap occurred because one fixed-term employee with extremely high specialty happened to be male.
FY2023 FY2023
(from April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024)
73.0% 75.2% 12.1% (part-time and fixed-term employees)
Large pay gap occurred because one fixed-term employee with extremely high specialty happened to be male.
including overtime pay and bonus, not-including retirement allowance
full-time employees:
empolyees whose contract is non-fixed term employment
part-time employees:
employees whose working hours are shoter than full-time employees
fixed-term empolyees:
emoployees whose contract is fixed-term employment