Contribution in Japan

Nakajo Office

Nakajo Office (Tainai City, Niigata Pref.) made its first shipment in 1959 and is our only oil and gas production site in Japan. Since the beginning, we have developed a harmony with the environment and good relationships with local communities through continuous social contribution activities.

Reviving Pinewoods

Since 1998, we have been working on preservation of pine trees that form a coastal protection forest in and around Nakajo Office, as they are seriously damaged by pine wilt disease. In 2011, we launched "JX Nakajo Forest" (Current: ENEOS Xplora Nakajo Forest) as a joint undertaking with Tainai City and the local district of Nakamurahama. In the half-decade following its launch, the project planted approximately 8,800 young pine trees through volunteer work on one hectare with the support of Niigata Prefecture. In 2016, we kicked off new planting activities in another land area in cooperation with a district called Muramatsuhama, which is situated next to Nakamurahama, while continuing weeding work for the young trees that were planted in Nakamurahama. Sixty-four volunteers participated in the volunteer program in 2019. Among them were the president, executives and employees of ENEOS Xplora as well as participants from other group companies and their families. They worked together with volunteers from the local Muramatsuhama community.

Tree planting
Weeding in a planting area
A commemorative photo with local residents at the end of work

Related Awards and Prizes

The "JX Nakajo Forest" (Current: ENEOS Xplora Nakajo Forest) project was recognized by a Niigata local mountain control and forestry road association in May 2018 and a Niigata prefectural mountain control and forestry road association in May 2019 for its contributions to forest conservation. It also received an Award for Excellence in the "Third Infrastructure Maintenance Awards" (Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; Activities to Support Infrastructure Maintenance category) in September 2019.

Receiving "Award of Accrediting to Niigata District Afforestation Project"(May 8, 2018)
Receiving "Award of accrediting to Niigata prefectural afforestation project"(May 2019)
Commemorative photo taken at the Third Infrastructure Maintenance Awards ceremony (November 7, 2019)

Supporting the next generation

Nakajo Office is enhancing activities that support future generations.
In October 2018, the office held a class on oil and natural gas that included showing samples of crude oil and reservoir rock at Tsuiji Elementary School of Tainai City, which is located near the office. The class was given as a part of an annual event at the school called "Art Festival and Wakuwaku Kids Job" that gives children the opportunity to learn about business and jobs in person.
We also welcomed university science and engineering students into our internship program for two weeks from the end of August 2018. They attended tours of the facilities and workplaces of Nakajo as well as lectures on our company's business and the office's operations. In July 2020, a Nakajo Office staff member visited Tsuiji Junior High School to give a class on the oil and gas business, the office's field operations, and working and living overseas as part of a work experience program set up by the school for its students. The class was very lively, and some students were surprised to learn that they use locally-produced natural gas, and not imported gas, every day.

Nakajo Field Office's general manager talking about oil and gas to schoolchildren
Nakajo Field Office's general manager talking about oil and gas to schoolchildren
A lesson at Tsuiji Junior High School
Technical interns touring the iodine plant
Technical interns touring a drilling site

Volunteering for Local Conservation

Our Nakajo Office is a long-term contributor to conservation and the improvement of the natural environment. Employees participate in volunteer activities such as beach cleanups and illegally-dumped trash collection programs, organized annually by the council for environmental affairs of Tainai City.

Collecting illegally-dumped trash
Commemorative photo at the end of collection
A beach cleanup
Commemorative photo at the end of the cleanup

Healing Waters

Our natural gas production processes in Nakajo Office a by-product of mineral-rich brine. This water is believed to have health-giving properties similar to those of hot spring water, so rather than discard it, we supply it to places like the Shionoyu Onsen public spa, where it is greatly appreciated by the local people.